Hear Our Prayer - Exactness (Audio CD) Hear Our Prayer is a collection of prayers and exhortations by Dr. Noel Woodroffe capturing our corporate desire to offer God our obedience, our purity, our oneness and our love as we fulfill the will of the Lord. Each volume provides us with patterns... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.99 Add to Cart
Hear Our Prayer - Offering (Audio CD) Hear Our Prayer is a collection of prayers and exhortations by Dr. Noel Woodroffe capturing our corporate desire to offer God our obedience, our purity, our oneness and our love as we fulfill the will of the Lord.Each volume provides us with patterns for... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.99 Add to Cart
Hear Our Prayer - Alignment (Audio CD) Hear Our Prayer is a collection of prayers and exhortations by Dr. Noel Woodroffe capturing our corporate desire to offer God our obedience, our purity, our oneness and our love as we fulfill the will of the Lord. Each volume praovides us with patterns... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.99 Add to Cart
Hear Our Prayer - Alignment Hear Our Prayer is a collection of prayers and exhortations by Dr. Noel Woodroffe capturing our corporate desire to offer God our obedience, our purity, our oneness and our love as we fulfill the will of the Lord. Each volume provides us with patterns... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.99 Add to Cart
Hear Our Prayer - Offering Hear Our Prayer is a collection of prayers and exhortations by Dr. Noel Woodroffe capturing our corporate desire to offer God our obedience, our purity, our oneness and our love as we fulfill the will of the Lord.Each volume provides us with patterns for... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.99 Add to Cart
Hear Our Prayer - Exactness Hear Our Prayer is a collection of prayers and exhortations by Dr. Noel Woodroffe capturing our corporate desire to offer God our obedience, our purity, our oneness and our love as we fulfill the will of the Lord. Each volume provides us with patterns... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.99 Add to Cart
The Thunder Will Never Stop - Digital Download The Thunder Will Never Stop is a compilation of songs from the Congress MusicFactory catalog that captures our uncompromising commitment to fulfill the will of God. Each track on the album is a reminder of our responsibility as believers; of God’s... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.99 Add to Cart
The Power of the Journey - Digital Download “It is the power of the journey that has forged us and made us strong.” Dr. Noel Woodroffe. Congress MusicFactory presents its latest album, The Power of the Journey, a reflective compilation that chronicles in song our journey from the Global... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.99 Add to Cart
This Treasure - Instrumental Digital Download Congress MusicFactory presents This Treasure Instrumentals, an uplifting collection of music for personal reflection and refreshing. Each track reminds us of our most precious treasure - the Grace of God that has guided us and continues to lead us on our... MSRP: Was: Now: $7.99 Add to Cart
We Magnify You Discovery Collection mp3 Bundle Our families are at the core of our Kingdom Communities. The WE MAGNIFY YOU album provides us with a wonderful opportunity to develop and strengthen the expression of worship in our homes. The We Magnify You Discovery Collection has been designed for... MSRP: Was: Now: $29.99 Add to Cart
We Magnify You - Instrumental We are pleased to share with you these instrumental versions of songs from the Congress MusicFactory We Magnify You album. The We Magnify You Instrumentals album uses the language of music to celebrate the majesty, sovereignty and glory of our God... MSRP: Was: Now: $7.99 Add to Cart
Wir erheben Dich [We Magnify You - German] WIR ERHEBEN DICHist die neueste Zusammenstellung von Gebeten, Liedern und Anbetungvon Dr.Noel Woodroffe und der Congress MusicFactory. Dieser kraftvolle Ausdruck der Anbetung entspringt dem dankbaren Herzen eines globalen... MSRP: Was: Now: $7.99 Add to Cart
ነዕብየካ [We Magnify You - ትግርኛ (Tigrigna)] ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????... MSRP: Was: Now: $7.99 Add to Cart
Kami membesarkanMu [We Magnify You – Bahasa Indonesia] KAMI MEMBESARKANMU adalah kompilasi doa, lagu, dan penyembahan terbaru dari Dr. Noel Woodroffe dan Congress MusicFactory.Ekspresi penyembahan yang kuat ini mengalir dari hati yang bersyukur dari orang-orang global yang merayakan keagungan, kedaulatan,... MSRP: Was: Now: $7.99 Add to Cart
A GBÉEYÍN G [We Magnify You - Yorùbá] A GBÉEYÍN GA jé àkójopò tifun ti àdúrà, orin àtí ìsìn latí owó Dr. Noel Woodroffe ati ilé isé orin Congress. Ìfihàn tí ó lágbàra yi tí ó jade láti inú okàn ìmore ti àwon ènìyàn káàkiri ayé ti nse àjoyò títóbí, àìlópin àti ògo olórun, iyì àti ìwàbí... MSRP: Was: Now: $7.99 Add to Cart
Siyakubabaza [We Magnify You - isiZulu] I” SIYAKUBABAZA” i-albhamu entsha ehlanganise imikhuleko, amaculo Kanye nendumiso okuvela kuDkt Noel Woodroffe kanye neCongress Music Factory. Le ndumiso enamadla iqubuka enhliziyweni egcwele ukubonga kwabo bonke abantu betusa ubukhosi, amandla kanye... MSRP: Was: Now: $7.99 Add to Cart
Wij Maken U Groot [We Magnify You - Dutch] WIJ MAKEN U GROOTis de meest recente samenstelling van gebeden, liederen en aanbidding van Dr. Noel Woodroffe en de CongressMusicFactory. Deze krachtige uitdrukking van aanbidding stroomt vanuit een dankbaar hart van een wereldwijdvolkdatde majesteit,... MSRP: Was: Now: $7.99 Add to Cart
Nous Te Magnifions [We Magnify You - French] NOUS TE MAGNIFIONS est la dernièrecompilation de prières, chants et d’adoration du Dr. Noel Woodroffe, et du Congress MusicFactory. Cette puissante expression d’adoration couledepuis le cœur reconnaissant d’un peuple global célébrant la majesté,... MSRP: Was: Now: $7.99 Add to Cart
TUNAKUTUKUZA [We Magnify You - Kiswahili] TUNAKUTUKUZAndio Toleola hivi karibuni la maombi, nyimbo na ibadakutoka kwa Dkt. Noel Woodroffe na Kiwanda cha Muziki cha Congress. Dhihirisho hili kuu la kuabudu linatiririka kutoka kwa moyo wenye shukrani wa watu dunianikote... MSRP: Was: Now: $7.99 Add to Cart
Whakanuia [We Magnify You - Te Reo Maori] He mea kohikohi i ng? karakia, waiata me ng? whakamoemiti t?nei k?pae e k?ia nei, ko ‘Whakanuia’ n? T?kuta Noel Woodroffe me te Congress MusicFactory. In? te kaha o te karakia i ahu mai i te ng?kau m?haki o ?tahi t?ngata huri i te ao hei whakam?nawa i... MSRP: Was: Now: $7.99 Add to Cart
Ons Verheerlik U [We Magnify You - Afrikaans] "ONS VERHEERLIK U is die nuutste samestelling van gebede, liedjies en aanbidding deur Dr. Noel Woodroffe en die Congress MusicFactory. Hierdie kragtige uitdrukking van aanbidding vloei uit die dankbare harte van 'n globale volk wat die majesteit,... MSRP: Was: Now: $7.99 Add to Cart
TWAGŨKUMIA [We Magnify You - Kikuyu] N?TWAG?KUMIA ni ?tungi wa mahoya, nyimbo na g?thathaiya kuma kwi Dr. Noel Woodroffe na K?ganda git?kia ?tungi wa Ny?mbo g?a Congress (Congress Music Factory) M?therero wa hinya wa ny?mbo ici kuma ngoro-in?cia andu akumath?yothen?cirak?ng??ra ?karu na... MSRP: Was: Now: $7.99 Add to Cart
Te Engrandecemos [We Magnify You - Spanish] TE ENGRANDECEMOS es la última compilación de oraciones, canciones y adoración del Dr. Noel Woodroffe como así también de Congress MusicFactory. Esta poderosa expresión de adoración fluye desde un corazón agradecido de un pueblo global celebrando la... MSRP: Was: Now: $7.99 Add to Cart
Approved (Remix) - SINGLE - Digital Download Approved (Remix) is the amazing story of God’s grace, His love, ultimate sacrifice in Christ and tireless representation toward us and for us. This is now the truth of who we are - accepted, forgiven and approved by God. Apostle Paul set the record... MSRP: Was: Now: $0.99 Add to Cart
My Joy - Digital Download My Joy by Congress MusicFactory captures the love, the faith, hope and joy we have in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. This album expresses the gratitude of a global community for the beauty, safety and abundant life we have found in Christ. Each song... MSRP: Was: Now: $7.99 Add to Cart
My Offering - Digital Download MY OFFERING represents the heart and posture of God's people, accepting who He has called us to be and aligning with Him to reflect the fullness of the nature of Christ in our lives. Chosen, cleansed and approved, our eyes are fixed on Him, our cry is... MSRP: Was: Now: $7.99 Add to Cart
We Magnify You Discovery Workbook Series [Exclusive Bundle] Our families are at the core of our Kingdom Communities. The WE MAGNIFY YOU album provides us with a wonderful opportunity to develop and strengthen the expression of worship in our homes. Each We Magnify You Discovery Workbook has been designed for... MSRP: Was: Now: $39.99 Add to Cart
We Magnify You (Praise & Worship) - Audio CD Audio CD WE MAGNIFY YOU is the latest compilation of prayers, songs and worship from Dr. Noel Woodroffe and the Congress MusicFactory. This powerful expression of worship flows from the grateful heart of a global people celebrating the majesty,... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.98 Add to Cart
We Magnify You: GenerationLift Edition “WE MAGNIFY YOU” GenerationLift Edition is a special presentation of worship from the voices of children across Congress WBN lifting up the songs from the Congress MusicFactory We Magnify You Album. These songs capture the heart, the cry and the desire... MSRP: Was: Now: $7.99 Add to Cart
We Magnify You (Praise & Worship) - Digital Download WE MAGNIFY YOU is the latest compilation of prayers, songs and worship from Dr. Noel Woodroffe and the Congress MusicFactory. This powerful expression of worship flows from the grateful heart of a global people celebrating the majesty, sovereignty and... MSRP: Was: Now: $7.99 Add to Cart
We Worship You – Dutch (Wij Aanbidden U) De zangers, zang koren, tekstschrijvers en muzikanten op dit album reflecteren waarlijk de schoonheid van het lichaam van onze Here Jezus Christus. Ze zijn gekomen van alle uithoeken van de aarde – van de Carribean, Amerika, Europa, Afrika, Azië,... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.99 Add to Cart
We Worship You – Amharic (አማርኛ ) ??? ???? ?? ?????? ??????? ????? ???-????? ?? ?????? ?????? ????? ?????? ??? ???? ????? ?????????? ????? ?????? ???? ????? ???? ??? ???? ??? ?? - ???? ??????? ??????-????? ?????? ?????? ????? ????-???? ?? ????? ???? - ??? ???? ??? ????? ??????????? ??... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.99 Add to Cart
We Worship You – Tigrigna (ትግርኛ) ??? ???? ?? ??? ????? ?????? ???? ????? ??????? ??? ???? ??? ????? ??? ????? ??? ??????? ?? ?? ??? ?????? ??? ??? ??????????? ?? ??? ??? ???? ????? ????? ?????? ????? -- ?? ?????? ???? ?????? ????? ????? ????? ???? ??? ????? ????? -- ?? ?? ????? ????... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.99 Add to Cart
German - Wir beten Dich an Wir freuen uns, diese Gebete und Lobpreislieder von Dr. Noel Woodroffe und unserer Congress MusicFactory mit Ihnen teilen zu können. "Wir beten Dich an" spiegelt das Herz unserer gemeinsamen Anbetung, Ehrfurcht und Dankbarkeit gegenüber Gott wider. Die... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.99 Add to Cart
Yoruba - Ajúbà re Inú wá dùn láti fi àwon àdúrà àti orin ìjúbà láti òdò Òmòwé Noel Woodroffe àti ilé isé orin wa ti Congress MusicFactory tiise “Ajúbà re”. À únfi okàn ìsòkan wà nínú ìjúbá, ìbòwó fún, àti ìmoore wa hàn sí Olórun. Akorin, àwon tí únko orin sínú ìwé àti... MSRP: Was: Now: $9.99 Add to Cart
French – Nous T'adorons Nous sommes heureux de partager avec vous ces prières et ces chants d’adoration venant de Dr Noel Woodroffe et de notre Congress MusicFactory. ‘Nous T’adorons’ reflète le coeur de notre adoration communautaire, la révérence et la gratitude envers Dieu. MSRP: Was: Now: $9.99 Add to Cart